Release notes 2_24

382 Aufrufe - 22.06.2023
New features in Amberg Tunnel 2.24 & Amberg Navigator 1.24

00:00 Introduction
01:30 Agenda
07:08 Tunneslscan Plus - added value
10:20 Start of technical part
10:30 IFC support
26:50 Export design mesh
28:10 Improved point cloud rendering
29:10 Point cloud - Hight intensity visualization
30:30 Point cloud filter improvements
32:05 Improved DXF profile export
33:50 Tunnel axis performance improvement
35:20 Check for updates, disable 3D Overview
36:40 Profile report - include derolment values
37:25 Amberg Navigator - Layer thickness scan available for shafts
38:00 Amberg Navigator - Support for the all-new Leica BLK360 (G2)
39:40 Amberg Navigator - Improved B&W positioning
41:40 Amberg Navigator - All Tasks (flex) licence
46:00 Wrap-up, Q&A
16 Abonnenten
18 Videos
Lee Hannan
Lea Schwappacher

Messen schafft Durchblick - An den modernen Tunnelbau werden hohe Anforderungen gestellt: Tunnelbaufirmen müssen die Kosten niedrig halten, Projekte in kürzerer Zeit fertigstellen und dabei hohe Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsstandards einhalten.

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